KYBELLA Treatments and Expectations - KYBELLA - Treatment for Double Chin. Take Years Off Your Appearance - Dayton OH

KYBELLA Treatments and Expectations

in KYBELLA Treatment

KYBELLA is an injection administered by a KYBELLA-trained healthcare specialist. Each treatment consists of multiple small injections under the chin. Each visit takes only 15 to 20 minutes.

The exact number of injections depends on the amount of fat to be removed and the desired profile. Everyone's chin profile is different and that changes the treatment from patient to patient. The time between treatments is usually one month or more and you should not receive more than 6 treatments. In clinical studies, 59% of patients received 6 treatments. Others took less than 6 treatments.

After KYBELLA, you may have some swelling, bruising and numbness under your chin. You should also contact your treatment specialist if you experience any of the side effects.


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